Jennifer Stebbing
Certified Specialist in Estates and Trusts Law
Continuing the practices of McIntosh & Pease and Thomas H. Buck
442 Grey Street, Suite D,
Brantford ON N3S 7N3
Estate Administration
Rely on Experienced Lawyers for Estate Administration in Brantford
At Stebbing Butcher PC in Brantford, we advise estate trustees (executors) and help them with their estate administration duties. We are often retained by them to handle the bulk of their work. Additionally, we regularly act as estate trustees, whether chosen by the testator (deceased) or their beneficiaries. The job of an estates trustee is complex and time-consuming. You can trust Stebbing Butcher PC to do this for you or help you as much as you require. We have extensive experience in estate administration and will make sure your estate is handled properly, efficiently and with compassion.
We also represent clients in dispute resolution proceedings that are not already in Court or imminently heading there. Experience shows that we have been able to avoid Court by negotiating settlements.
Advising Executors
In addition to dispersing a testator's assets according to the terms of a will, an executor is responsible for paying the will maker's debts, filing taxes and wrapping up the day-to-day aspects of the deceased person's life, such as selling the residence and cancelling subscriptions.
We assist our clients in fulfilling the necessary responsibilities of estate administration, both in the immediate aftermath of a death and on an ongoing basis, if necessary. Our years of experience in estate planning and administration make us highly qualified to advise clients on their responsibilities to the estate as well as their personal liability if they fail to meet their obligations.
Our lawyers currently act as estate administrators in many estates. In the event that you do not wish to appoint a loved one to be your executor, or if you have been appointed administrator and wish to decline the duty, our lawyers can be appointed to handle this role. Even in cases where our lawyers are not appointed as executors, our experience is that about 90 percent of the time our firm is retained by the executor to handle most if not all of the executor's work. The firm has three estates clerks who help the lawyers administer the workload.
In addition to our estate administration work, we also advise heirs and beneficiaries about their rights regarding the estate and represent their interests in dispute resolution proceedings, if necessary.
Offering High-quality Advice on Estate Disputes
Beneficiaries of an estate or dependents who have been left out of a will or who did not receive a fair share of the estate may question their entitlement to certain assets and privileges associated with the estate. Our lawyers will use our knowledge of estates and trusts law to advise on your rights and how to protect them.
Once our clients are armed with the appropriate information, we will perform mediation services to help them resolve their estate disputes outside of a courtroom proceeding. Our client-focused practice has, at its core, a dedication to providing the information clients need to make important decisions. We have no incentive to encourage our clients to go to court for a lengthy and expensive litigation proceeding; we use our knowledge and negotiation skills to secure the results our clients need and desire.
Brantford Estate Mediation Lawyers
Our practice is largely focused on estate planning and administration legal services, and our experienced legal counsel is here as a mediator as well. We have the combined litigation experience and estate experience that estate disputes desperately need. Contact us for in-person and virtual mediation services.